如何教国外朋友斗地主 Fight the Landlord

更新时间:2019-10-15 10:49



Fight the landlord is a card game for 3 players. There will be two roles, one "Landlord" and two "farmers". The Two farmers form a team. The landlord's aim is to be the first one to play out all cards, and the team wins if any one of them do the before the landlord.

A complete deck consists of 52 standard cards plus 2 jokers, red and black. Each rank of standard card has 4 cards.


黑桃 ♠️ Spade s

红桃♥️ Hearts

梅花♣️ Clubs


怎么选地主呢,这个规矩很多,可以先抽牌,然后谁抽中了谁当地主,这样简单 (叫牌的话叫Bidding阶段)。下面说下出牌规则。

In the round, a player plays first, and may play a single card or any legal combination. Each subsequent player in anticlockwise order must either pass(play no card) or beat it by playing a higher combination of the same of cards and same type. There are just two exceptions to is : a rocket can beat any combination, and a bomb can beat any combination except a higher bomb or rocket.
如何教国外朋友斗地主 Fight the Landlord

分牌 ( Dealing)

Each player is dealt 17 cards. 3 cards are dealt face down, in the middle of the table. The one takes the landlord role picks up the last 3 cards, then landlord will have 20 cards in total.


In this game, there are 14 types of combination that are valid:

单张 Single Card

One card, the higher card wins.

The rank of card is (from the lowest to highest ) :

3 < 4 < 5 < 6 < 7 < 8 < 9 < 10 < J(Jack) < Q(Queen) < K(King) < A(Ace) < 2 < Black Joker < Colored Joker

1对 Pair cards


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